(Cards + Objects)
Integrate is a term coined by Shivraj Morzaria. It is basically incorporating daily objects, toys or anything you can think of with Cardistry (for example: magnets, slinky, rubber bands, etc) and aiming to create unique motions/movements. Here, using adhesive as the object itself or for its properties can fall under Integrate. Which will be explained further in the "TYPES OF INTEGRATE" section below.
Here are some great examples of Integrate:
Idea behind it is to try out something new as every object has different properties and countless applications which opens up wide number of possibilities. It’s also a great way to test your creativity to see how far can you push it when you’re dealing with cards outside your comfort zone (i.e your hands).
"You don't know how far you can go until you push yourself to something new."
Majority of the Integrate moves were based on a prior arrangement done on the object, surface, hands, etc and brought to motion just like Cardestroy.
From the help and research by our friends Lotusinhand, we’ve come to know a little history about Integrate. Integration has its roots back in the XCM (Xtreme Card Manipulation) days. Around the year 2008. Back then people had been using all sorts of objects such as knives, card clips and neck ties in their moves. Here below are some examples:
The style was recently brought back to life and popularized by Shivraj Morzaria in early 2016.
This is the first video posted on integration by him incorporating a 'Slinky' with cards:
Integrate can be classified into 3 types for an easier understanding of the possibilities. The types are as follows:
A) Integrating Object's Properties: Which means using the existing motions and abilities of a particular object. This can be a good way to get started with integration. Starting off with observing the object first and then experimenting with it to discover the possibilities it can offer. Then just find a way to add cards to it. Here's an example below:
As you can see by the example above, if you remove the object from it (i.e CD drive) the move can still be done. All that was required to close this move was a 'Push' force. In this case it was received by the opening of the CD Drive. It's all about adding that simple touch that can make it look better. Using an object's motions/abilities to do something that you can execute with your bare hands can completely change the way it looks. Here's yet another example for the same:
As you can see it's the same case with this example. The card spun using the perfume could just be done by blowing at it through your mouth. Using that additional object makes it look more intriguing. And this type of integration can fall under "Incorporating Existing Properties".
B) Integrating the Object Itself: You might think this isn't any different from the previous type, well it is. Here the object is the main focus and is necessary to create movements rather than just being used as a place holder. So instead of using the 'CD Drive' like the example above, you're using the CD itself for its "dimensions". Following is an example by D4i:
As you can see from the example; In this case if you remove the object (i.e CD) from this, you won't be able to perform the particular motion. The object is making it possible to perform it. And that is also how it's different from the first type. Here's another example for the same:
As you can tell, again in this case if you remove the object (i.e Pizza Holder) from this, you won't be able to perform the movement. The object is connecting the cards which is making it possible. Hence this is what "Integrating the Object Itself" means.
C) Visual Integration: Sometimes it can just be a visual Integration. Which means the cards itself can look 'visually' cool using the particular object or reflections. The cards do not physically need to be there. More like creating illusion art.
At the same time if you remove the object from the creation, it will be incomplete without it. Similar to the second type. Second half of the video (Starting at 0:19) below is a good example by Patrick Varnavas on what he calls "Reflections".
Another strong example for "Visual Integration" can be Scott Black's Entry to the Integrate Contest 2016 (you'll learn more about the contest below). Where he uses the phone's digital screen creating a visual playing card. With his isolation routines. He terms it "Digitiso" (Digital Isolation). You can check it out below:
So the following were the three different types of Integrations. An Integrate creation can be a combination of any of these three types. It completely depends on the creation.
"Cardestroy" can also be incorporated with other objects and is eligible to fit in as Integrate. Below is an example by Shivraj Morzaria:
This is also a good example for what we mentioned in the beginning of the article. Using the adhesives as the object itself for its dimensions is eligible as Integrate (in this case a tape roll) like the second type of Integrate.
That concludes all the different types and uses/applications of Integration.
Integrate has been featured on wide number of art pages on Instagram as well as some notable platforms like Shin Lim’s Youtube Channel (The Winner of the America’s Got Talent: Season 13 and America's Got Talent: The Champions):
The Integrate Contest 2016 was hosted by Shivraj Morzaria, sponsored by Fontaine Cards and supported by BestCardistAlive. The rules were to come up with an original integrate idea(s) and post a video showcasing them. It was judged upon the creativity and overall feel of the video. This being our first contest we managed to get some amazing entries!.
Here below are some highlights from the Contest:
The winner of the Integrate Contest 2016 was Mati Fernadez, here’s his interesting entry:
Referring to the "TYPES OF INTEGRATE" above can help you start creating. Although here are some additional tips: To create, the first step would be learning the unique motions of the object and second to find out how to incorporate cards with them.
"What I usually do while integrating is study the particular object. See all the possibilities it can offer and think about how I can add cards to it. Sometimes just adding cards to the objects works or using object's motions/properties to do something that you can execute with your bare hands works as well." suggested Shivraj.
Here are some of our favourite Integrate creations by cardists around the globe:
Of course all these were just some examples of what you can use and incorporate with cards; it could be anything. Anything you can think of. You can start integrating with your shoe laces and end up using the pizza holder from the Pizza you ate last night. It's totally on you, no limits! It is all about trying something new and having fun all together.
So have patience, stay open-minded, observe things around you and their unique properties, incorporate them into cardistry and INTEGRATE!
Is Integrate considered to be a form of Cardistry or is it different?
SHIVRAJ: I consider Integrate being a sub genre of cardistry. Just like Cardestroy.
Does magic gimmicks count as Integrate?
SHIVRAJ: Yes and no. Yes because it can definitely be used to come up with ideas and no because magic gimmicks are meant to be hidden while an integration creation isn't. The whole idea behind integrate is to show the use of objects and the possibilities it has to offer rather than hiding it. So according to me using magic gimmicks to a point they're visible is valid as Integrate.
Does using adhesives count as integration? Like taping or gluing cards together?
SHIVRAJ: Personally I would distance myself from 'applying' adhesives. Using adhesives for their dimensions is valid whereas using adhesives to stick/glue cards isn't as mentioned above in the “TYPES OF INTEGRATE”. I think it will keep the creations pure just like Cardestroy. Although it isn't a restriction, take your imagination where you can!
What is the best deck or the condition of a deck for Integrate?
SHIVRAJ: Well depending on what you aim to create, the best deck condition could be identified. If you'd like to use single cards or need more friction go for a poop decks (Old Decks). If you're looking forward to spreads and fans then go with new ones. Personally a poop deck has been the best for me throughout.
Best deck for integrate you ask? I love using border-less decks when it comes to integrate as it gives a stronger visual. The deck I love the most for this has to be "SS16" by The Virts. It's design just fits so well with any movement you go with.
Which are your all time favourite Integrarte creations, original and unoriginal?
SHIVRAJ: My all time favourite Integrate creations have to be these:
Original Creation: Has to be spinning the cards using magnets and its properties. I think it has a lot of potential and possibilities yet to be discovered. This is how it looks:
Unoriginal Creation: It's the isolation routine using a phone screen by Scott Black. He likes to call it "Digitisos" (Digital Isolation). This is how it looks:
How does one start Integrating?
SHIVRAJ: For your answer, refer to the "TIPS TO CREATE" section above. That should be helpful. Although something I'd like to add to this is: For me coming up with Integrate creations has always been through trial and error method just like Cardestroy. So keep experimenting. You never know what you might discover just by a fluke!